Our collection contains rocket lamps of the most impressive rockets to date that went to Space or are planned to go to Space! You can shop for Falcon Heavy, Starship and Dragon lamps, but also NASA's Space Shuttle and Saturn V rocket lamps are must-haves! The rocket lights will fit on every nightstand or desk. The rocket lamps are based on their real-world counterparts, but what were they actually used for? Find out below:

Saturn V Rocket
On the 16th of July, 1969, the Saturn V launched from Kennedy Space Center (see below picture, photo credit: NASA). The astronauts on board were Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins.
A few days later, on the 20th, Armstrong and Aldrin separated from the Command and Service Module, where Collins remained. The Eagle moonlander was used to descend onto the surface of the moon. The exact moment of their landing occured at 20:17:39 UTC, July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong confirmed: "The Eagle has landed."
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
After an obligated period of rest, the next day at 2:56 UTC on the 21st, Neil Armstrong, being broadcasted live throughout the world, spoke his famous words while stepping on the moon: "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind".
Around 15 minutes later he was joined by Buzz Aldrin. A placard was placed along with the American flag. A short phonecall was held with President Nixon right after. After the experimental tasks, the last task was to leave behind a small package of memorials for the perished Cosmonauts Joeri Gagarin and Vladimir Komarov and the Appolo 1-Astronauts Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger B. Chaffee.
At 17:54 UTC, they ascended from the moonsurface again, to interlink back to Collins at the CSM.
Celebrating the 50-year anniversary of this iconic event, we have created the Rocket lamp. Standing just over 8 inches tall, this lamp is a talking point in any room. As it is chargeable, you can place it anywhere you'd like.
The Space Shuttle
SpaceX is not the only aerospace company with reusable rockets. NASA's Space Shuttle was also reusable! Although the costs per launch of around $450 million is much more expensive than the $27 million a Falcon 9 launch costs. The Falcon Heavy also costs much less: 'only' $90 million.
Photo by NASA
Development started in the 70’s as the space shuttle program was launched on January 5 1972, and was carried out by NASA in combination with the US Air Force. Its purpose was to build a reusable rocket to fly space missions regularly and cheaply. The very first Space Shuttle was called 'Enterprise' and it was solely build for atmospheric flight tests. It had no orbital capability. Nasa built three not space worthy rockets the other two being ‘Explorer’ and ‘Pathfinder’. The Explorer is used as an exhibit. Thereafter, the Columbia, Challenger, Endeavour, Discovery and Atlantis were built.The Columbia was the first full functioning space shuttle to reach orbit, with its launch on 12th April 1981. In total, there were 135 space missions flown by the space shuttles, during the 30 years they were active.
Both the Challenger and Columbia were sadly destroyed in mission accidents. The Challenger was destroyed in 1986 and the Columbia in 2003. The last resulted in the decision to stop the program in 2010. The three-remaining space shuttles are on display in different museums in the US.
The Space Shuttle was launched with the help of two rocket boosters and an external fuel tank providing fuel for the main booster. This gave the space shuttle their iconic look.
To remember the once so great Space Shuttle, we recreated it into a rocket lamp. It is 3d printed with bio-degradable PLA. Because it is rechargeable it can be place wherever you want. The Space Shuttle lamp, will most certainly fill the room with the same awesomeness as when the Space Shuttle was launched for the last time, on the 8th of July, 2011.
Falcon Heavy
On the 6th of February 2018 the Falcon Heavy was first launched. Weighing more than 3.1 million pounds and able to carry up to 140,000 pounds to low-Earth orbit, the Falcon Heavy is currently the most powerful rocket. On the first flight it took a Tesla Roadster with starman in the driver’s seat to space to test the load capacity of the rocket. Originally the FH was designed to carry humans into space, however SpaceX confirmed they would not pursue human-rating certification.
As early as 2005 the ideas for the FH started to come to live, based on the Falcon 9 but with three core booster stages. Development was publicly announced in April 2011, the expected first test flight would then be in 2013. However, a number of factors (combining three falcon 9 cores was more difficult than expected) delayed the test as production slowed down.
Unlike most rockets made before SpaceX entered the business, the Falcon Heavy is reusable. The intention is to make every rocket stage reusable, side boosters have landed successfully and others have been recovered.
This FH rocket lamp might not be as powerful as the actual Falcon Heavy, but it is a more practical alternative for your living room.
The Starship
Previously known as the BFR (Big Falcon Rocket / Big F*cking rocket), it was renamed in November 2018 by SpaceX' CEO Elon Musk to Starship, whereas the first stage was named "Super Heavy". The Starship is a fully reusable launch vehicle and spacecraft system which is currently being developed by SpaceX. The Starship is planned to be used for multiple applications:
- Delivering satellites to Earth-orbit
- Mars transportation
- Long-duration spaceflights in the cislunar region
- Long-duration spaceflights to other planets
- Last but not least: super-fast long-range transport on Earth!
The starship is set to be the replacement of the Falcon 9 launch vehicle. And should be able to take cargo to space at far lower cost than other existing launch vehicles (with total launch costs to be as low as $2 million). There are already prototypes in use for testing. A number of tests has already taken place (5 so far) to test the Raptor engine which were very short tests (a max height of 150m).
Maybe our most awaited launch: our Starship Rocket Lamp! The actual Starship by SpaceX is made by Stainless Steel, which gives it a very shiny look and we have tried to replicate it as much as possible.
The Dragon

SpaceX' Dragon is a spacecraft designed to deliver both people and cargo to orbiting destinations. Nowadays it's the only Spacecraft that is capable of bringing back significant amounts of cargo to Earth. It was designed from the beginning to carry humans to the ISS. On March 2, 2019, the first demonstration flight of the Crew Dragon occured. The Dragon succesfully docked with the ISS on March 3, becoming the first American spacecraft to autonomously dock with the ISS.
In 2004 SpaceX began developing the capsule, it was 2009 when it entered service. In 2006 SpaceX had won a contract to use the Dragon space capsule for commercial resupply services to the ISS for Nasa. 2012 the dragon began regular cargo flights to space. There have been 20 missions with the last version Dragon 1. The Dragon 1 has since been replaced by the Dragon 2, which has already taken astronauts to the ISS. Both the Dragon 1 and 2 are reusable spacecraft’s, there are two versions the crew dragon and the cargo dragon being used for their separate reasons.
This is our 3d printed, rechargeable Hovering Crew Lamp, based on SpaceX' dragon capsule hovering above the ground.